Thursday, February 7, 2008

Associate Dean for Development

The second column from the right in the organization chart ( presents the responsibilities of the Associate Dean for Development, Sam Huang. He is the Senior Development Officer for the Smathers Libraries. As such he is responsible for all fund raising for the libraries, including the capital campaign.

Reporting to him are the development staff, the public information officer and the grants management staff.

The development staff includes a development officer (the position formerly held by Lane Jimison) and the program assistant who supports our development activities. A search for a new development officer is underway.

Public information remains part of the development group because it plays a key role in promoting the visibility and reputation of the libraries.

Grants are included in the group because they are an alternative source of funds for library priorities and projects.

The Associate Dean for Development has dual reporting to the Dean of University Libraries and the Foundation. He is also a member of the Library Leadership Board.

Because of the need to focus on development activities, he will not have other operational responsibilities. However, he will be intereacting frequently with all parts of the Smathers Libraries to identify priorities and projects for funding, to evaluate collections that may be offered to the Libraries, and for assistance in presenting the Libraries' collections and services to donors and potential donors.

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