Friday, April 11, 2008

Smathers Libraries Reorganization Proposal Accepted

On April 3rd, the Faculty Senate Steering Committee accepted the Smathers Libraries reorganization proposal. It will be presented to the Faculty Senate at the April 17th meeting as an information item, with no action required.

Thank you all for your active participation in the process. We have a better structure as a result of this process.

We can now proceed with implementation planning, knowing that we have concurrence from the University Libraries Committee, the Academic Infrastructure Council and the Faculty Senate -- and most importantly from our own faculty and staff.


Anonymous said...

Is the implementation of the Smathers reorganization still going to occur at the beginning of July 2008?

Anonymous said...

Others have been wondering too. It's only a few weeks away, but there seems to be so much that has not been settled. It would be nice to have an update.